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10 Best Cities to live in on Earth

  10 Best Cities to live in on Earth 

10 Best Cities to live in on Earth

 These cities are the very opposite of the ones listed before - 10 worst cities to live in on earth. These cities are secure, clean, healthy, peaceful; they enjoy high quality of living; have high quality education; are crime free or have only very law crime rate among other things.

As for the best cities to live in, they are;
  1. Malbourne (Australia)
  2. Vienna (Austria)
  3. Vancouver (Canada)
  4. Toronto (Canada)
  5. Calgary (Canada)
  6. Adelaide (Australia)
  7. Perth (Australia)
  8. Auckland (New Zealand)
  9. Helsinki (Finland)
  10. Hamburg (Germany)
Don't forget to share the list of 10 best cities to live in with friends.

Also See => 10 worst cities to live in on earth - No 2 is no suprise...Guess?

Source: get247news

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