‘Game of Thrones’: Surprising Facts About the Night King
‘Game of Thrones’: Surprising Facts About the Night King
Much of the focus on major conflicts so far have centered on the living, breathing foes of Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, and the rest of the heroes. But we’ve also seen glimpses of an undead threat looming beyond the Wall. And as Season 7 gets into full swing, we’re coming to see that our favorite GoT characters’ real enemies may not be each other, but an army of undead warriors.
So far, we don’t know much about these frightening creatures. But we do know that they’re led by the Night King, the creepy warrior who is poised to become a major player as winter closes in on HBO’s adaptation.
Fans have theorized that our favorite three-eyed raven, Bran Stark, will eventually become the Night King. While we’re still not sure whether that will pan out, here’s everything we do know about this powerful leader and the role he’ll play in the oncoming war.
1. He plays a different role in the book series
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The Night King | HBO |
First and foremost, the TV version of the Night King is considerably older than the Night’s King, who first showed up after the Wall had been built. In Martin’s books, the Night’s King is a relative of the 13th Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, which doesn’t seem to be the case on the TV series.
And most importantly, according to Martin himself, his Night’s King likely isn’t even around during the events of A Song of Ice and Fire. The author told fans on LiveJournal, “In the books, he is a legendary figure, akin to Lann the Clever and Brandon the Builder, and no more likely to have survived to the present day than they have.”
So while we may seem some similarities between the two characters, HBO’s Night King will likely play a much more prominent role.
2. He was the first White Walker
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The Night King’s icy stare | HBO |
Bran saw this all play out while he was warging. And eagle-eyed fans noticed that the actor portraying the First Man, Vladimir Furdik, also plays the Night King. In other words, it’s pretty much a given that the very first White Walker ever created wound up becoming the one that would lead all those who came after him.
3. He is the leader of an extremely dangerous army
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The Night King’s army | HBO |
We know, thanks to visions from Bran and the Hound, that the Night King is leading his army of the dead to the wall. It’s an untold number of White Walkers and wights that did major damage to Jon’s men at Hardhome. Given his prowess in battle, maybe a better name for him would be the Night General.
4. He is the reason that winter has come to Westeros
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The Night King on his horse | HBO |
In one of Bran’s visions, we saw the Night King marching south with his army — with an ominous cloud, raining snow and ice, traveled directly above him. In other words, it’s pretty clear that he’s capable of bringing about the prolonged winter that the Noble Houses of Westeros have long been dreading.
5. He’s got some pretty impressive powers
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The Night King and his army | HBO |
As if the ability to literally create your own army isn’t cool enough, the Night King has a few other tricks up his sleeve. We learned when he was tracking Bran and his crew that he’s capable of marking his foes and tracking them across Westeros.
He can also transform corpses into wights with seemingly minimal effort, shatter weapons with a single touch, and even cause the ground to shake and fissure.
6. He’s extremely difficult to kill
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The Night King is an unshakeable foe. | HBO |
Unfortunately for Jon and anyone else interested in taking on the Night King and his army, both of these items are fairly hard to come by.
7. He could be trying to save, rather than destroy, the Seven Kingdoms

That is, unless, the reason the Night King is marching south is to save humanity. Sure, it seems unlikely — thus far, they haven’t been all that friendly to the living. But since we don’t know exactly why the Night King is so determined to fight, fans have theorized that they’re actually going to help restore the balance in the Seven Kingdoms.
It makes sense, both from a plot point and symbolically. Something is going to have to unite the warring factions or weed out the evil that’s preventing a peaceful order. And aside from a ceasefire, there’s only one thing that could be able to stop Cersei’s wildfire or Daenerys’ dragons from burning King’s Landing and the rest of Westeros to the ground.
Source: https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/game-of-thrones-surprising-facts-about-the-night-king.html/?a=viewall
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