“Game Of Thrones” Characters Ordered From Smallest To Tallest is Going to Surprise You
“Game Of Thrones” Characters Ordered From Smallest To Tallest is Going to Surprise You
If you are one among millions of Game of Thrones fans, enjoy this gallery that shows how our favorite Westeros characters look when they are not on set from the smallest to the tallest.Tyrion Lannister – Peter Dinklage
He may look small, but his role on the show is huge. Tyrion is Cersei’s and Jaime’s younger brother, whom they never forgave for ‘killing’ their mother while being born. According to many, Tyrion is the funniest character on GoT. His quick brain has gotten him out of many inconvenient situations.
Peter Dinklage has already had an established career before Game of Thrones, but the role of Tyrion has become his alter ego, despite the fact that he looks completely different in real life.
1,35 m (4’5”)
Lyanna Mormont – Bella Ramsey
When Lyanna Mormont first appeared on the show, the audience went crazy for her. She’s way smarter than anyone has expected, plus she has a huge army.
The appeareance in GoT was the first ever for young Bella. We can all agree she’s a natural talent with an exciting career in front of her.
1,5 m (4’11”)
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Image by HBO/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock |
Arya Stark – Maisie Williams
The younger Stark girl is one of the most interesting characters on the show. She’s already been through a lot, and it’s very exciting to see her next adventures. Arya might be a girl, but she surely isn’t a lady. She’s tough and knows her way around the sword.
Young Maisie is already a professional. We watched grow up on the Game of Thrones and she’s now become a gorgeous young woman. Personally, she’s not so similar to her character Arya. In fact, she says she’s a nerd and a bookworm.
1,55 m (5’1”)
Image by PopularImages
Daenerys Targaryen – Emilia Clarke
Call her Khaleesi, the Mother of Dragons, or simply Dany, this young girl is unstoppable on her way to rule the Seven Kingdoms. The fact that she has three dragons certainly helps her in her conquests.
When she takes off her blond wig, Emilia Clarke’s character changes, too. She’s equally stunning in real life as in the show. The role of Khaleesi helped her become a Hollywood star with many offers for big roles
1,57 m (5’2”)
Image by Popularimages
Shae – Sibel Kekilli
Shae was a prostitute before she fell in love with Tyrion Lannister, whom she ended up betraying eventually. In order to keep her safe in King’s Landing, Tyrion had her serve as Sansa Stark’s handmaid.
Sibel is a German actress with Turkish origin. Undoubtedly, the role in GoT helped her become an international star.
1,63 m (5’4”)
Image by BabiradPicture/REX/Shutterstock
The Waif – Faye Marsay
Without the waif, Arya Stark would’ve never become the Faceless Man. The waif was training her to become one of the few cold blooded assassins with the ability to change their appearance.
Faye was the voice of Amy in 2015’s Need for Speed. The British actress showed that she’s capable of showing no emotion in her role of the waif in GoT.
1,57 m (5’2”)
Image by Jean Nelson
Catelyn Stark – Michelle Fairley
Ned Stark’s wife and mother of his children, Catelyn Stark was the backbone of the family. She was murdered along with her son Robb and his wife Talisa as Lord Walder Frey wanted his revenge for Robb breaking the marriage pact between their two houses.
The beautiful actress in her 50s, originally from Northern Ireland, has had many great roles over the years, including TV shows Suits and Resurrection, and movies Philomena, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and In the Heart of the Sea.
1,65 m (5’5”)
Image by Jean Nelson
Myrcella Baratheon – Nell Tiger Free
Myrcella Baratheon was the last living child of Cersei and Jaime before the she was poisoned with the Long Farewell after being kissed by Ellaria Sand.
Young Nell replaced Aimee Richardson as Myrcella in seasons 5 and 6. Even though her appearance didn’t last long, it was enough to get her some new exciting jobs.
1,65 m (5’5”)
Image by Dan Wooller/REX/Shutterstock
Cersei Lannister – Lena Headey
The one true evil queen, Cersei is always thinking about the next horrible thing to do, all while trying to protect her children. In the meantime, she’s having an affair with her twin brother, with whom she has the mentioned children. That’s probably the most controversial detail from the show.
In real life, Lena Headley is too busy to come up with evil plots, not that she would want to, anyway. She’s had an active acting career ever since she started acting in 1992.
1,66 m (5’5”)
Osha – Natalia Tena
Rickon Stark and Osha had an interesting storyline before he was shot by Ramsay Bolton before the Battle of the Bastards. Ramsay was responsible for Osha’s death, too. He stabbed her in the neck.
Natalia hhad memorable roles before, playing Nymphadora Tonks in Harry Potter movies and Ellie in About a Boy alongside Hugh Grant. The wildling makeup can’t fool us – we have a real beauty here.
1,66 m (5’5”)
Image by S Bukley
Margaery Tyrell – Natalie Dormer
She didn’t want to be a queen, she wanted to be the queen. But Margaery’s beauty couldn’t save her from Cersei’s cruelty.
The Hunger Games fans remember seeing Natalie Dormer before. She’s shown she can play versatile roles as well as shave half of her hair if needed.
1,68 m (5’6”)
Image by Jean Nelson
Ygritte – Rose Leslie
The wildling who took Jon Snow’s virginity, Ygritte’s the one who shot him multiple times with her bow and arrows as he fled.
Before GoT, Rose acted in a famous British series Downton Abbey. She’s actually a royal and grew up in a castle in Scotland.
1,68 m (5’6”)
Image by PopularImages
Yara Greyjoy – Gemma Whelan
Theon Greyjoy’s sister was the leader of the Iron Islands before her uncle stole them from her. Yara is a woman, but she’s more though than some men.
Gemma is a gorgeous English actress, also known for The Wolfman and Gulliver’s Travels, besides Game of Thrones.
1,68 m (5’6”)
Image by S_Bukley
Lady Mielisandre – Carice Van Houten
The Red Woman uses her magical necklace to appear young and beautiful, even though she’s centuries old. The fascinating thing is that the same actress plays both old and young Mielisandre.
Yes, this gorgeous lady plays only the young red witch but also her natural, old version. She’s capable of making you love and hate her at the same time, which only proves her talent.
1,68 m (5’6”)
Image by S_Bukley
Tommen Baratheon – Dean Charles Chapman
Tommen Baratheon took over the throne after his older brother Joffrey died from poisoning. The unfortunate turn of events had him commit suicide, which made his mother Cersei even madder and more evil than before.
Dean had his share of big roles before; he played Billy Elliot in the play with the same title. After his fantastic performance in Game of Thrones, who knows what the future brings.
1,69 m (5’6”)
Image By Gio Le
Missandei – Nathalie Emmanuel
Khaleesi’s slave girl at first, Missandei got much more attention as the show progressed. If you think she looks beautiful in the series, wait until you see her in real life.
Nathalie is a gorgeous actress who you might also know from Furious 7 besides the GoT. This British actress really got her career kickstarted with the HBO show and we hope to see her more in the future.
1,70 m (5’7”)
Image by S_Bukley
Joffrey Baratheon – Jack Gleeson
King Joffrey is probably the universally most hated TV character ever. Everybody waited for him to die, and when he finally did, it felt like the justice has been served.
King Joffrey is probably the universally most hated TV character ever. Everybody waited for him to die, and when he finally did, it felt like the justice has been served.
1,70 m (5’7”)
Image by Verónica Paz/Flickr
Ellaria Sand – Indira Varma
Ellaria Sand is the one to watch out from. She’s responsible for killing Myrcella Baratheon, the last surviving child of Cersei and Jaime Lannister.
Indira Varma is much prettier and way less mean in real life. Also, it’s refreshing to see her actually wearing real clothes.
1,71 m (5’7”)
Image by Jean Nelson
Jon Snow – Kit Harington
Jon Snow is the ultimate favorite of the audience. Starting the show as an underdog, with one bad thing after another happening to him, he finally became The King of the North. It’s rumored that his role is about to become even bigger in the upcoming season 7.
The role of Jon Snow brought Kit Harington worldwide fame and several other acting gigs. Be ready to see much more of him; who wouldn’t want such a star on their project?
1,73 m (5’8”)
Image by S_Bukley
Ramsay Bolton – Iwan Rheon
You can’t resist hating Ramsay, the most sadistic and evil character on the show. His death was probably even more enjoyable than King Joffrey's.
However, in real life, the Welsh actor is also an established singer. Despite the nature of his character on Game of Thrones, the role has surely helped him boost his music career.
1,73 m (5’8”)
Image by S_Bukley
Samwell Tarly – John Bradley
When Samwell first came to the Wall and guys there attacked him for being fat and weak, Jon Snow was the only one to stand by his side. The two of them became true friends but Sam had to leave to become a Maester.
Before Game of Thrones, the British actor mostly scored comedic roles. He looks quite different in real life, just like many of the cast members.
1,73 m (5’8”)
Image by S_Bukley
Podrick “Pod” Payne – Daniel Portman
Podrick Payne, often called Pod, was Tyrion Lannister’s squire and saved his life in the Battle of the Blackwater, but following Tyrion’s arrest for the murder of King Joffrey Baratheon, he has come into the service of Brienne of Tarth.
1,74 m (5’8”)
Image by S_Bukley
Olenna Tyrell – Diana Rigg
Olenna was a loveable elderly lady at first, until we saw all the things she’s capable of. She’s certainly important for the story and responsible for some of the most interesting moves on the show.
Even though Diana has been acting since the ‘60s, Game of Thrones role is her biggest success yet. She used to be and still is a beautiful woman who resisted plastic surgery as the ages went by.
1,74 m (5’8”)
Brian J Ritchie/REX/Shutterstock
Sansa Stark – Sophie Turner
Once a young, naive girl, Sansa had to grow up quickly after a series of unfortunate events that happened in King’s Landing. Sansa has grown into a powerful young woman, a true Stark, who’s on her way to save the Winterfell.
Along with her on-show sister Maisie Williams, Sophie Turner blossomed on the show before our eyes. The British actress is nothing like her character in person. She’s far more upbeat and on her way to become the true Hollywood star.
1,75 m (5’9”)
Image by S_Bukley
Theon Greyjoy – Alfie Allen
Theon didn’t have it easy with all that’s happened to him on the show. First he was a lovable addition to the Stark family, then he started betraying everyone and we hated him, and then we felt sorry for him as Ramsay Bolton was torturing him. We can’t wait to see what will happen next with him.
Turns out Alfie Allen is just a regular guy in private life! We shouldn’t be surprised, really. It’s all the heavy makeup and costumes on the show that make him unrecognizable in real life.
1,75 m (5’9”)
Image by S_Bukley
Grey Worm – Jacob Anderson
Grey Worm is the chosen commander of Khaleesi’s Unsullied Army and is her personal protector. And yeah, he’s in love with Missandei.
Jacob Anderson is not a warrior in real life; in fact, he’s a rapper (and obviously an actor). He’s been all around England performing. Could you imagine him as a rapper while watching the GoT?
1,75 m (5’9”)
Image by S_Bukley
Lord Varys – Conleth Hill
Varys is the one person who always knows all the secrets in Westeros. He’s truly vital to the plot and always surprises the audience with new twists.
We couldn’t help but wonder if he was really bald or just shaved, so here he is. Conleth Hill looks so much different in real life!
1,75 m (5’9”)
Image by S_Bukley
Roose Bolton – Michael McElhatton
Lord Roose Bolton was the Lord of the Dreadfort and the head of House Bolton, the former ruling Great House of the North after usurping the position from House Stark. He was the father of Ramsay Bolton, his legitimized bastard, and an unnamed newborn baby from his wife, Walda Frey.
1,75 m (5’9”)
Image by Jean Nelson
Robb Stark – Richard Madden
King Robb Stark was the eldest son of Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell and his wife, Lady Catelyn. He was the older brother of Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon Stark, and cousin (believed to be half-brother) of Jon Snow. He also adopted a direwolf named Grey Wind. Robb was declared the King in the North during the War of the Five Kings, after the execution of his father by King JoJoffrey Baratheon.
1,77 m (5’10”)
Image by PopularImages
Renly Baratheon – Gethin Anthony
The youngest Baratheon brother, Renly, was fourth in line to the throne when Robert was the king. Before his brother Stannis killed him, he was having a secret gay affair with Ser Loras Tyrell, The Knight of the Flowers.
Gethin is an English movie and TV actor, but he’s the most famous for his role in Game of Thrones. His last credited role is in the upcoming movie First Kill.
1,77 m (5’10”)
Image by Jean Nelson
Petyr Baelish – Aidan Gillen
The fans of the show either love him or hate him. Well, most hate him. Littlefinger is always meddling into everyone’s business, as long as he can get something out of it. His schemes and plots create half the fun.
Even before GoT, the Irish actor has had a successful Hollywood career going. Naturally, it progressed rapidly as he was cast for the show. He was casted in another famous HBO show, The Wire.
1,78 m (5’10”)
Photo by FeatureflashSHM/REX/Shutterstock
Eddard (Ned) Stark – Sean Bean
The character so moral and honest that he didn’t make it past season 1, Ned Stark was the leader of the North and Hand of the King to Robert Baratheon. As soon as Joffrey took over the throne, he executed Ned for telling the truth – that Robert’s children with Cersei are not actually his, but Jaime Lannister’s.
Sean Bean was the most famous cast member when they first started filming the show. It was obvious that he should get a lead role, but the audience was in shock as he was executed in the last episode of season 1.
1,79 m (5’10”)
Image by NASA HQ Pphoto/Flickr
Jojen Reed – Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Jojen Reed was the son of Lord Howland Reed and younger brother of Meera Reed. A Greenseer, he accompanied his sister, Bran Stark, Rickon Stark, Osha, Hodor and Stark direwolves Summer and Shaggydog on a journey beyond the Wall to find the three-eyed raven, believing Bran to be instrumental in the oncoming war against the White Walkers.
1,79 m (5’10”)
Photo by Joanne Davidson/Silverhub/REX/Shutterstock
Bran Stark – Isaac Hempstead Wright
Bran has one of the most crucial roles on the show, with his warg powers. He is the new three-eyed raven, able to see through other characters’ minds and also into the past and the future.
The role of Bran is among the first ones for young Isaac. With a great success like this, he won’t have any problems with his upcoming acting career.
1,80 m (5’11”)
Image by S_Bukley
Euron Greyjoy – Pilou Asbaek
King Euron Greyjoy is the brother of Balon Greyjoy, the Lord Reaper of Pyke and later King of the Iron Islands, and Aeron Greyjoy, a Drowned Man. He is also the uncle to Balon’s children, Yara and Theon Greyjoy. After murdering his brother Balon, Euron takes control of the Salt Throne with the support of many Ironborn and hunts down Balon’s children, who oppose Euron and have allied with Daenerys Targaryen.
1,80 m (5’11’)
Photo by Gregory Pace/REX/Shutterstock
Oberyn Martell – Pedro Pascal
Oberyn Martell, the Prince of Dorne, is also known as the “Red Viper”. He died fighting The Mountain in one of the most famous scenes from the show.
Pedro Pascal, born in Chile, has had other roles besides GoT, including the Netflix series Narcos. Not surprising, he looks better in real life.
1,80 m (5’11”)
Image by Jean Nealson
Stannis Baratheon – Stephen Dillane
King Stannis I Baratheon was the Lord of Dragonstone, the younger brother of King Robert Baratheon and older brother of Renly Baratheon.
1,84 m (6’0”)
Image by Jean Nelson
Davos Seaworth – Liam Cunningham
Davos is a quiet problem solver. He’s always there for the current king and other characters when they need him the most.
The actor Liam Cunningham looks much softer in real life. Watching his ‘normal’ pictures we realize that he’s just a regular person and a great actor.
1,85 m (6’1”)
Image by S_Bukley
Jorah Mormont – Iain Glen
He is fighting to win Khaleesi’s heart, but she refuses him. Yet, they he is not the one to simply give up.
Before Game of Thrones, Iain Glenn was known for his roles in the Resident Evil movies. However, he’s Jorah Mormont now, and it will take quite a big new role to change that. Even in his 50s, Glenn looks better than many younger man do.
1,85 m (6’1”)
Image by S_Bukley
Jaime Lannister – Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Jaime hasn’t had an easy time on the series. First he lost his hand, then his secret affair with his sister was revealed, and finally, he was banished from King’s Landing. What will the new season bring him?
The series has been a great breaking ground for the Dutch actor. He first started locally, later moved to Hollywood and acted in movies like Black Hawk Down, only to finally get on Game of Thrones.
1,87 m (6’2”)
Image by Jean Nelson
The Night’s King – Richard Brake
The Night’s King leads the White Walkers and we are waiting to see more of him in the next season, when the battle between the living and the dead starts.
Without the heavy mask, the actor looks pretty normal. You may have seen him as Joe Chill in Batman Begins.
1,88 m (6’2”)
Image by Andrea Hanks/Variety/REX/Shutterstock
Brienne of Tarth – Gwendoline Christie
Brienne of Tarth is a woman who fights like a man and always makes us smile when she defeats the bad guys. Her role has progressed over time, and now she is one of the more important characters on the show.
Gwendoline’s height is basically the only things she has in common with her character Brienne. In fact, she’s a real beauty! The transformation is incredible.
1,91 m (6’3”)
Image by PopularImages
Tywin Lannister – Charles Dance
Lord Tywin Lannister was the head of House Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Hand of the King for three different kings, and Protector of the Realm. He was the father of Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion Lannister, and sole grandfather of the incest-born Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen Baratheon.
1,91 m (6’3”)
Image by Ken McKay/ITV/REX/Shutterstock
Khal Drogo – Jason Momoa
Khal Drogo took Daenerys Targaryen for his wife, but tragically died later in the season 1.
Momoa is an American actor, born in Hawaii, best known for his role of Khal Drogo on Game of Thrones. His other roles include titles as Conan the Barbarian, Baywatch, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and many others.
1,93 m (6’4”)
Sandor “The Hound” Clegane – Rory McCann
It’s interesting to see how the Hound looks in real life, as the character has severe burn scars over his face which makes him unrecognizable. He had a major role helping Arya Stark becoming what she is today.
Looking at the pictures of McCann, we can’t help but wonder how much time does it take to put on all the makeup every day before the shooting starts.
1,98 m (6’6”)
Image by Gage Skidmore/Wikipedia
Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane – Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson
Ser Gregor Clegane is the head of House Clegane, the older brother of Sandor Clegane, and a notoriously fearsome warrior, with a tendency toward extreme and excessive violence. Due to his huge size, he is called “The Mountain That Rides” or more often simply “The Mountain.”
Hafthor Julius Bjornsson, is an Icelandic professional strongman, actor, and former professional basketball player
2,06 m (6’9”)
Image by Paula R. Lively /Wikipedia
Hodor – Kristian Nairn
Hodor is the gentle and loving giant unable to speak anything besides his own name. The reason for that is revealed in an iconic episode of the season 6, when we found out he was destined to “hold the door” and save Bran.
We were surprised to find out that Kristian is a 7-feet tall DJ who used his role of Hodor for his music career, naming his tour “Rave of Thrones”.
2,13 m (7’0”)
Image by Photo by Maja Smiejkowska/REX/Shutterstock
Wun Wun – Ian Whyte
Wun Wun the giant was a great help when White Walkers attacked the wall. He had a crucial role in saving Jon Snow’s life.
In case you were wondering, Ian Whyte is not a real giant, but at 7’1″ he’s pretty close. He used to play basketball and is now a stuntman.
2,16 m (7’1”)
Image by Libby Christensen
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