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5 countries That May Give Free Housing To New Residents

5 countries That May Give Free Housing To New Residents

5 Countries That May Give Free Housing To New Residents

Below are 5 countries or cities that give away free housing to to its residents:


5 countries That May Give Free Housing To New Residents

Ever heard of the Sicilian town of Gangi? Me neither. This city in Italy has a declining population of about 7,000 and an excess of homes which haven’t seen a human face in decades. Italy will give you the home if you promise to stay and renovate. Sounds like a deal to me!

United States of America

Think the Midwest. America truly can be the land of opportunities in cities such as Gary, Indiana, or Detroit. Homes are given to qualifying individuals given they can prove a proper sense of employment and cash flow, as well as plans to renovate.

Also See:  Top 10 most Beautiful and most Developed Cities In Africa

South Africa

5 countries That May Give Free Housing To New Residents

Unlike Italy or America, South Africa gives away homes to its poorer citizens. South Africa has led the way in this endeavor, and will gives homes and proper housing to those citizens that qualify as underprivileged.


5 countries That May Give Free Housing To New Residents

You know that island life you dream of at your desk? Well, there’s hope in living a coconut rum filled life indeed. The population is diminishing, with only 50 residents left. The British island colony is giving away land now, all you have to do is ask.


5 countries That May Give Free Housing To New Residents

Beautiful South America. Colombia, much like South Africa, gives housing to the lower echelon of the population. The country is still relatively poor, but in recent years has gained traction as a tourist destination and growing economic force.

…Do you know more?

Know of any countries or cities that give away homes to its residents? Comment below join the conversation here at Ontop24!

Also Read: 'The Top 10 Most Affordable Countries To Buy a Home

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